Friday, May 22, 2009


JOY can be define in many words - delight, happiness, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, ecstasy or even thrill.
We can experience Joyful living only if we view JOY as the definition I mentioned Above.

Joy is delight, it always brings amusement and glee in every little things we do for our friends, children and love one.

Happiness is Joy. It involves contentment in things we have, a gladness in things we do and bring cheerful environment to those people sorrounding us.

There is pleasure when we live joyfully. There is always an enjoyment in everything we do and we easily get satisfaction from it. We are easily pleased when a person did something nice to us. Most of the time fulfillment comes in a swift.

Life living with gladness is a bliss. You view yourself living in paradise, you love people around you, you love what you are doing. Heaven is right here now on earth, everything are in harmony.

You feel ecstasy! When you are happy, you feel that you're in seventh heaven, there is a rapture of passion exploding the inner wholeness of you. Eagerness in exploring new challenges are always up and you feel excited about it.

When you feel joy, you also feel the thrill. Adventure clings on you and you delight in every outcome this endeavor brings.

Having a right attitude and embracing positivity in life brings us a whole person. It is always better to provide joy to everyone that you the one being inspired
and given an advise right?

I would gladly know your views about life and share it with me and our friends out there. Share your opinion and inspire others. Just live your comment and message below and I will give you my feedback right away.

Live a cheerful Life!

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