Sunday, May 17, 2009


Being successful means you are able to do what you please without anyone compelling you to do it. It means a balance in all aspect of life, spiritually, mentally and financially. Material thing is nothing without a loving family to share it with.

A friend gave me an article from a booklet, however since the booklet is so old we cannot find who wrote it and I will not be able to thank the author for sharing this wonderful list of eight commandment for successful people.

1. Make time to think - it is the source of power
2. Make time to play - it is the key to freedom and relaxation
3. Make time to read - it is the gateway to knowledge
4. Make time to WORSHIP - it washes the dust of earth from your eyes.
5. Make time to help - no other happiness match this
6. Make time to live - if you don't it will fade away
7. Make time to laugh and pray - these two things that lighten life's load
8. Make time to be close with God - He is the source of everything.

Have a blessed life!

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